Home | Health | 8 Superfoods That Help Manage Osteoporosis

8 superfoods that help manage osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a health condition that weakens the bones in the body, making them delicate. As a result, the bones become prone to injuries and, subsequently, fractures. But the good news is that despite the severity of osteoporosis, treatments can help curb its symptoms. There is also evidence that combining treatments with healthy foods reduces the condition’s impact. Some foods help manage osteoporosis and increase bone density in the long run.

8 superfoods that help manage osteoporosis

Products like yogurt, cheese, and milk are loaded with calcium, one of the primary nutrients that complement bone strength and structure. Other products like soy milk, almond milk, and tofu are also fortified with calcium and work wonders to improve bone health. These are also suitable alternatives for those suffering from lactose intolerance.

Dark green veggies
Dark green vegetables like kale, spinach, Brussels sprouts, turnip greens, cabbage, and collards are stuffed with calcium. Some of these foods are even rich in vitamin K and magnesium. Together, these help manage osteoporosis.

Certain fruits like figs and kiwis contain high levels of vitamins A, C, and K. These nutrients help boost bone density. Other fruits like bananas, oranges, and papayas have significant amounts of potassium that ward off the growth of acid in the bones, protecting them from losing calcium.

Eggs are one of the most healthy foods if had in moderation. They are also known for their ability to manage osteoporosis. Eggs have substantial amounts of vitamin D and regulate a particular calcium-binding protein. It, in turn, controls how and when the body absorbs calcium.

Fish like canned sardines and salmon are excellent foods for managing osteoporosis because of their rich calcium levels. The two fish, along with other fatty seafood like mackerel, and tuna, are stuffed with vitamin D – an essential nutrient that aids calcium absorption.

Eating a handful of nuts every day makes for a great snack to promote healthy bones. Several types of nuts contain exceptional levels of proteins, fats, nutrients like calcium, and even magnesium. A one-ounce serving of assorted nuts like walnuts, almonds, pistachios, and pecans should do the trick.

Plant seeds
Certain plant seeds like flax seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, and chia seeds are excellent sources of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The seeds also come with omega-3 fatty acids and essential fibers effective for moderate cholesterol levels and other health conditions.

Dried foods and more
Apricots, prunes, and raisins are the best alternative for people who prefer vegan foods. These dried fruits are rich in boron that acts as a bone-growing property. Bread, breakfast cereals, and orange juice are other food items that benefit bone health and fight osteoporosis as they contain vitamin D.

Doctors may also prescribe certain treatments to manage osteoporosis. Some treatments help  stop bone-removing cells and prevent them from making contact with bones and damaging them.  They may also stimulate new bone formation while simultaneously reducing bone loss.

The content of the articles discussing symptoms, treatments, health conditions, and side effects is solely intended for informational purposes. It is imperative that readers do not interpret the information provided on the website as professional advice. Readers are requested to use their discretion and refrain from treating the suggestions or opinions provided by the writers and editors as medical advice. It is important to seek the help of licensed and expert healthcare professionals when necessary.
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