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How to obtain cheap car insurance

How to obtain cheap car insurance

You need to have car insurance in order to drive your car every state mandates a certain basic insurance coverage. If you don’t have the money to spend on additional coverage, then, even though most experts and car insurance groups would not recommend it, you can go with what is the minimum mandated coverage for your state.
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Checking car insurance date

Checking car insurance date

It is not up to the owner or driver of a car as to whether to carry insurance for the vehicle or not. It is a requirement, and by law, you cannot drive around in a vehicle that is uninsured. So, this means that when you’re buying a car, borrowing one, trading one, or even selling it, it is imperative to know for sure that the car’s papers, including insurance, are in order.
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Check car insurance – How and why

Check car insurance – How and why

You might wonder why you would ever need to find out if a car is insured. After all, if the car is yours, you probably are already well aware of every detail of the insurance, especially the costs and coverage. But how about in those instances when you are not the owner of a car, but perhaps the potential buyer, or a temporary driver.
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Top 5 commercial truck insurance providers

Top 5 commercial truck insurance providers

Vehicle insurance takes care of the cost of repairs and any damages, not to mention legal expenses if you were involved in an accident with damage to property and self. It is a smart investment now to save money and cover vital liabilities and expenses if the need ever arises.
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Types of classic car insurance and coverage provided

Types of classic car insurance and coverage provided

A classic car insurance usually covers your collectible vehicle for a guaranteed price that is mutually agreed by you and the auto insurance company. The value of the automobile is based on the collectible car valuation guidelines. Collectible car insurance generally has an increased value of insurance if the vehicles are very well preserved.
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How to save money on motorcycle insurance

How to save money on motorcycle insurance

So, you’ve bought the bike of your dreams and can’t wait to take it out? There is one important thing you must consider before you can start riding your bike insurance. Insurance is very important as it will protect you and your bike in case of an emergency and will help meet expenses if the bike needs repairs.
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A handy guide on truck insurance basics and coverage

A handy guide on truck insurance basics and coverage

Truck insurance is one of the necessary mandates that states impose on all types of owned, rental, or loan lease vehicles. Commercial business owners and private truck carriers are expected to take insurance cover for every vehicle operating under their name. The cost will vary depending on the type of vehicle owned, cargo hauled, and current state requirements.
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Things You Ought To Know About DUI Insurance

Things You Ought To Know About DUI Insurance

Paying auto insurance is not fun; it can put a huge dent in your wallet. Paying DUI insurance is even worse as it puts an even bigger dent in your wallet. If you get a ticket for DUI (Driving under the Influence), it can, unfortunately, stay with you for a long time, as your auto insurance premium shoots up and stays at a high for a long period of time depending on the state that you reside in.
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