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5 Simple Ways To Get The Best Credit Score

5 Simple Ways To Get The Best Credit Score

Your credit score is more than just a numerical figure. The credit score has an impact on a lot of evaluations that lenders do before approving your mortgage or loan applications. Your credit score is indicative of your ability to repay your dues on time. Every time you apply for a mortgage loan or a credit card loan, the lending institution or bank will check your credit score before making a decision.
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5 Strategies For Married Couples To Get The Best Out Of Credit Cards

5 Strategies For Married Couples To Get The Best Out Of Credit Cards

Once romance starts to wear off and you practically start to weigh living together, you are sure to talk about your finances and figure out the best financial strategies that will work for both of you. It is essential to find a middle ground where both of your contribute equally to the household expenses and at the same time are able to invest well.
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5 Things You Need To Know About Credit Before You Turn 21

5 Things You Need To Know About Credit Before You Turn 21

21 is the legal age to do a lot of things, including opening a credit card account without a cosigner. At 21, you can legally take financial matters into your hand and manage your own credit. However, there are certain things you need to consider before you apply for your own credit card and open you own credit account.
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5 Ways Credit Cards Can Make Your Vacation Comfortable

5 Ways Credit Cards Can Make Your Vacation Comfortable

Holidays are meant to give you a well-deserved break from your everyday life. The more comfortable you are during your holiday, the more fun you will have. You may not be aware of this, but your credit card can make your holiday travel easier and simple. This is especially true if you are traveling to another country.
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6 Steps To Take In Case Of Stolen Credit Card Information

6 Steps To Take In Case Of Stolen Credit Card Information

Due to the increasing instances of identity theft, more and more consumers are realizing the importance of monitoring their financial accounts. You should always be careful about sharing your personal information with others. If you have been a victim of identity theft, you need to take actions immediately. Take these steps after hackers steal your credit card information.
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6 Ways To Be A Debt-Free Credit Card User

6 Ways To Be A Debt-Free Credit Card User

Credit cards can help you enjoy more purchasing power and allow you to build your credit score. However, they can also get you in trouble. The increasing cost of living across the globe has also led to higher dependency on credit cards. Consumers use credit cards to fill the gap between their income and their expenses.
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6 Ways To Keep Your Ex From Ruining Your Credit

6 Ways To Keep Your Ex From Ruining Your Credit

One of the repercussions of a bad breakup is that your ex-partner or ex-spouse may covertly use your credit card information, which may adversely affect your credit history. Also, if you have a joint account with your ex, the risks of your credit getting damaged would be higher and you may end paying huge bills.
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7 Reasons Why You Should Use Your Credit Card For Everything

7 Reasons Why You Should Use Your Credit Card For Everything

A credit card is one of the easiest tools to navigate your finances through this economy. With different rewards and lucrative deals on offer, credit cards have made it simpler to make purchases and increase your credit score as well. If used carefully, there is a lot of things you can do with your credit card.
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