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6 Inclusions to Your Diet to Manage Constipation

6 Inclusions to Your Diet to Manage Constipation

Statistics show that over 4 million people in the country suffer from mild to moderate symptoms of constipation. It is a health condition wherein the bowel movements become uncomfortable and it is hard to pass stools as they are hard, dry, and small. There are a number of factors that contribute to the development of constipation.
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3 Effective Home Remedies to Manage Eczema Symptoms

3 Effective Home Remedies to Manage Eczema Symptoms

Eczema affects both children and adults. It is a term commonly used to describe a group of skin conditions. These include atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, and seborrheic dermatitis among many others. However, most of these conditions exhibit similar visible indicators of a developing condition. These include developing a rash or light yellowish-brown crusts and pus-filled blisters on the skin.
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4 Natural Methods to Support Breast Cancer Treatment

4 Natural Methods to Support Breast Cancer Treatment

Breast cancer is a condition that develops in the breast cells. Changes that are known as mutations cause a division of the cancer cells that begin to multiply in an uncontrolled manner. Typically, the cells begin to grow in the ducts and lobules of the breast while spreading to the fatty tissues and connective tissues.
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Osteoarthritis – How to Treat it

Osteoarthritis – How to Treat it

Arthritis, a disease of the joints, causes swelling and tenderness in the joints. The most prominent symptoms of arthritis are joint pain and stiffness, which worsen with time. Arthritis is of two types: rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is one of the most common types of arthritis. It affects people when their joints are overused.
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5 effective home remedies for amyloidosis

5 effective home remedies for amyloidosis

5 effective home remedies for amyloidosis Amyloidosis is a condition in which the body is unable to process the protein amyloid correctly. Excess amyloid gets distributed through the body and can often impair organ health and functioning. Amyloidosis affects people in different ways depending on which organ is impacted. The different types of amyloidosis are renal, cardiac, and gastrointestinal amyloidosis.
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The types of dyskinesia

The types of dyskinesia

The types of dyskinesia The causes of dyskinesia vary but most cases are due to altered brain chemistry. Dyskinesia is caused due to medication and injury or trauma to the region of the brain known as the basal ganglia. Brain damage is also a major cause when it comes to dyskinesia.
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Treatment options for dyskinesia

Treatment options for dyskinesia

Treatment options for dyskinesia Seeking treatment for dyskinesia may get complicated depending on the severity of the disease. Some people try going off the medication levodopa altogether as most doctors agree that this medication is the primary cause for the condition. However, if you are off levodopa, you face a new set of challenges.
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Factors contributing to drug-induced hepatitis

Factors contributing to drug-induced hepatitis

Hepatitis is a condition of the inflammation of the liver, which affects its strength and functions. A relatively unknown factor that can lead to a person contracting hepatitis is through certain medicines. Drug-induced hepatitis is an injury or inflammation of the liver caused by these prescribed medicines, but it is not the only type of liver injury that medication can cause.
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