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How to make bread without yeast

How to make bread without yeast

If you think that making a delicious bread without yeast is impossible, think again! There are many types of unleavened breads that are nutritious as well as delectable! But you must be thinking that why you should switch from the good old yeast bread to an unleavened bread! Unleavened bread is an extremely healthy choice to make for your body, especially if you’re suffering from any yeast infections in your digestive tract.
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Creamy Alfredo sauce you should definitely try

Creamy Alfredo sauce you should definitely try

White sauce was originally made served with fettuccine pasta. Known as the Alfredo sauce, White sauce is a hit among those who prefer buttery and cheesy flavor in their pasta. The rich buttery consistency of the white sauce blends well with the spaghetti pasta. It is not too hard to replicate white sauce if you have all the ingredients in place.
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Best sides with mac and cheese casserole

Best sides with mac and cheese casserole

When you’re all set to prepare your cheesy favorite, mac & cheese casserole recipe, you might be wondering what to serve with it? Well, if you haven’t really given that a thought, then here are some delicious and super easy sides that complement your mac & cheese casserole recipe the best.
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Origin and evolution of mac and cheese casserole recipe

Origin and evolution of mac and cheese casserole recipe

Although the exact origin of this recipe is unknown to the world, but it is to be believed that mac & cheese casserole recipe comes from Northern Europe. It is also seen that the earliest recorded mac& cheese recipe was first written down in the year 1769. Being a common dish and a staple of American cuisine, this recipe was interesting brought by Thomas Jefferson, who while visiting Europe, was captivated by this simple dish.
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How to make a simple buffalo burger at home

How to make a simple buffalo burger at home

Buffalo meat also known as bison, has emerged as a popular red meat variant in the past few decades. It is a yummy alternative to beef, and is a bit expensive too. But if comparisons are drawn, bison is a healthier red meat option. Packed with proteins and essential nutrients, the buffalo meat has less calories and fats as compared to beef.
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Great places to have buffalo burgers

Great places to have buffalo burgers

The classic American buffalo meat is a must-try for every foodie who worships red meat. The buffalo meat is succulent and slightly sweeter than beef. It is rich in proteins, nutrients and low in fats. If you are planning to unravel the scrumptious universe of bison meat, you should start off by trying a buffalo burger.
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Impress your guests with this pulled pork recipe

Impress your guests with this pulled pork recipe

Pork meat is delicious and healthy. In this pulled pork recipe, we look at how to make a smoky pulled pork, accompanied by broccoli yogurt sauces and delicious mashed potatoes. You can have the pork separately too, but the accompaniments add up the flavor and you are in for a treat.
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Healthy vegetable recipes to tickle your taste-buds

Healthy vegetable recipes to tickle your taste-buds

Though vegetables are one in the list of healthy food items, we seldom crave for those. Vegetables are power-packed with vitamins and minerals that our body needs to stay healthy and energetic. It is a good source of fiber and significantly low in calories. Also, they reduce the risk of many diseases like high blood pressure, heart disease and cancer.
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