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Check the cost of dental implants before getting treated

Check the cost of dental implants before getting treated

It is important to take care of teeth to avoid dental problems like tooth loss, tooth decay, and cavities. Many people suffering from tooth loss may feel embarrassed and uncomfortable to go out in the crowd, which can even affect their self-confidence. However, due to advancements in dentistry, getting dental implants is a practical solution to restore one’s beautiful smile and teeth.
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Dental implants, best solution for oral health

Dental implants, best solution for oral health

A dental implant is an artificial tooth, which provides a permanent base for the replacement tooth. It is the best solution for people who have major problems related to missing teeth along with severe dental problems. These days, doctors often use titanium fixtures for implants, which are fused in the cells of the living bone of the jaw.
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Causes and Symptoms of Shingles

Causes and Symptoms of Shingles

Shingles is a contagious disease caused by the virus varicella-zoster. This virus is the cause for chickenpox as well. Once someone has had the chickenpox infection, the virus remains dormant in the body and can reactivate years later to cause shingles. This virus is a part of herpes group of viruses.
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Diabetes symptoms and treatment options for women

Diabetes symptoms and treatment options for women

Diabetes can happen to any person regardless of their gender, but the symptoms differ slightly. Diabetes treatment depends largely on the symptoms that occur. The difference in the diabetes symptoms due to gender is because of the following reasons: The complications that occur in women due to diabetes are far more complex than men and are difficult to diagnose.
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Causes and symptoms type 1 diabetes

Causes and symptoms type 1 diabetes

In type 1 diabetes, a person’s pancreas fails to yield the required insulin in the body. This naturally leads to an increased amount of glucose in the blood, which can be quite damaging in the long run. To understand how type 1 diabetes works, one must know its causes and symptoms well.
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Causes of foot pain in Kids

Causes of foot pain in Kids

Kids generally experience heel pain which is a form of foot pain. Although, not serious, it still requires proper diagnosis and prompt treatment. If your child complains about heel pain and tenderness in the foot or ankle, which makes them limp uncontrollably, they might be experiencing some kind of foot injury.
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Easy and quick ways to chase sinus congestion away

Easy and quick ways to chase sinus congestion away

Sinus congestion is usually caused due to allergies, certain bacteria or the occasional fungi, tooth infection, or nasal polyps. These cause infection, inflammation, or swelling of your nasal cavities. This brings in a bout of sinusitis that cause pain and a lot of annoyance to you. You can easily and quickly get relief if you have an acute or short bout of sinuses.
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Diverticulosis diet plan

Diverticulosis diet plan

Diverticula are small pouches that are present near the colon or large intestine. They usually bulge out of the colon. This condition is called as diverticulosis. It gets common as people age. Some common symptoms of diverticulosis are mild cramps, bloating, and constipation. The condition can get worse and diverticulosis can turn into diverticulitis.
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