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Bulging Disc – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Bulging Disc – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Discs in the spine act as cushions between the vertebrae. They are made up of two layers – the tough outer cartilage and soft inner cartilage. With age, these discs show signs of wear and tear as well as dehydration. Due to this, the outer layer protrudes out of its circumference, resulting in a bulging disc.
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Best Treatment Options for Non Hodgkin Lymphoma

Best Treatment Options for Non Hodgkin Lymphoma

Cancer is a life-threatening disease which can create havoc in one’s life. One typical type of cancer is known as Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma or NHL. This malaise affects the lymphatic system and spreads in the lymphoid tissues, which contain lymphocytes that are found all over the body. You can opt for any of the various Non-Hodgkin lymphoma treatment options, but you should only proceed with your treatment plan with proper consultation with your medical professional.
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Causes and Symptoms of Cellulitis

Causes and Symptoms of Cellulitis

Cellulitis is a very common bacterial skin infection. However, the fact that it is common does not stop it from being fatal at times. The skin is an essential part of the human body which shields people from harm and its compromise can cause serious damage to anyone. The affected skin attacked by cellulitis starts to appear swollen and red, and it is typically known to be painful and warm to the touch.
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Best Pain Management Physicians in the Country

Best Pain Management Physicians in the Country

Pain management is a significant problem. More than one-third of the country’s population suffers from one form of pain or the other. Most often, to counter this pain, people opt to take opioids as a pain medication. What they fail to realize is that opioids are highly addictive and while they do kill the pain, they end up killing people as well.
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Bowel Disorders – Symptoms, Causes, and Risk Factors

Bowel Disorders – Symptoms, Causes, and Risk Factors

Bowel disorders or bowel problems are a group of ailments that result from prolonged infection or inflammation of the digestive tract. The mouth, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine are the parts that make up the digestive tract. Any infection or inflammation in one or more of these parts results in bowel problems.
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Causes and Prevention of Pain in the Bottom of the Foot

Causes and Prevention of Pain in the Bottom of the Foot

Our feet are made up of small bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. Slightest of injury or pain in the foot can cause a significant problem in walking around or even stepping down from the bed. The change in lifestyle has reduced physical activities to a large extent. We prefer using a mode of transport to get from one point to another.
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Common remedies for Cold and Flu

Common remedies for Cold and Flu

There is no cure for common cold and flu since these are viral infections. Most people prefer treating a cold using over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. Age-old home remedies are also very prevalent for finding relief from cold and flu symptoms. But when cold strikes, it is important to know what OTC cold & flu tablets are most effective for different symptoms and how to administer the right doses for the same.
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Common signs and symptoms of mouth cancer you shouldn’t miss

Common signs and symptoms of mouth cancer you shouldn’t miss

Mouth cancer is usually identified with all types of cancers that occur in the tongue, lips, gums, cheeks, and throat. It is also a type of head and neck cancer. Like other cancers,   it becomes difficult to treat  when the diagnosis is delayed, and the cancerous cells spread in the body.
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