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Different kinds of respiratory conditions

Different kinds of respiratory conditions

You may think that the cough you’ve had for the past few days is not a huge concern. But, a persistent cough, if not taken seriously, may result in quite a few chronic respiratory conditions. Respiratory diseases and conditions are quite common in the country. It is crucial to recognize what to look for and when to see a health care provider.
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Cold and flu – Essential factors to know

Cold and flu – Essential factors to know

The cold and flu are contagious upper-respiratory illnesses caused by different viruses. Cold symptoms are milder than the flu and develop slowly. Flu symptoms often come suddenly and are typically more intense. Some cases of the flu can cause complications like sinus and ear infections and pneumonia. As the cold and flu share so many symptoms, it is important to know what you are dealing with before taking any treatment options.
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4 sleep disorders to watch out for

4 sleep disorders to watch out for

According to the Scientific Reports Journal, sleep disorders are experienced by approximately 56 percent of the world’s population at least once in their lives. So, what are these conditions, and do they have any signs and symptoms? Do they cause a more significant impact on your overall health? How can you prevent them?
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5 common skin conditions to be aware of

5 common skin conditions to be aware of

The skin is our largest organ; it’s more than just an external protective covering. It helps regulates body temperature, keeps out harmful microbes, prevents dehydration, and optimizes vitamin D levels to keep you healthy. And just as every organ is prone to diseases, the skin is no exception. These conditions may be genetic, lifestyle-induced, or situational.
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Common allergies and their symptoms

Common allergies and their symptoms

Nearly one-third of the world’s population suffers from various allergies, and it manifests differently across cases. An allergic reaction occurs when your body’s immune system reacts to a harmless substance that does not bother most people. These substances, called allergens, are perceived as a threat, and the body releases a chemical called histamine in response, which produces allergic symptoms.
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4 of the most common infectious diseases

4 of the most common infectious diseases

Through decades of research, more than 300 agents that cause infectious diseases have been discovered. These agents significantly impact your health and are transferrable to other seemingly healthy individuals, increasing the risk of exposure. Knowing the common symptoms and risk factors of these infectious diseases and how to keep them at bay is crucial to keeping yourself and those around you safe.
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Arthritis – Types, symptoms, and risk factors

Arthritis – Types, symptoms, and risk factors

Arthritis is a chronic health condition characterized by tenderness or swelling in one or more joints. The primary symptoms include joint stiffness and pain, which worsens with age. There are different types of the disease, and treatment can vary depending on it. However, arthritis is incurable, and the treatments only help reduce flare-ups and improve quality of life.
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8 endocrine disorders to know

8 endocrine disorders to know

The endocrine system is responsible for the production of multiple hormones in the human body. These hormones regulate important functions that help the body to heal itself, control metabolic functions, regulate mood and sleep, and aid in growth and development. However, certain endocrine conditions result in disruption in the production of hormones and interfere with bodily functions, leading to more severe disease.
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