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Ringworm – Transmission, Risk factors, and More

Ringworm – Transmission, Risk factors, and More

Ringworm is a fungal disease that gets its name from a circular rash that develops on the skin. The source of the infection resides on surfaces at home, towels, bedding, clothes and other household items, and the skin. These fungal infections of the skin or nails affect over 20% of the world’s population.
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Lower Back Pain – Causes and Management Tips

Lower Back Pain – Causes and Management Tips

You are not alone if you experience lower back discomfort. Most people suffer from one or more episodes of lower back pain throughout their lifetime. Most of the time, the discomfort subsides within days or weeks; however, in some cases, it might last three months or longer. These prolonged occurrences characterize chronic lower back pain.
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Different Ways to Diagnose Fibromyalgia

Different Ways to Diagnose Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes chronic musculoskeletal pain throughout the body. It is often accompanied by other symptoms like fatigue, sleep problems, mood swings, and cognitive impairment. Many people misdiagnose it as arthritis or some other form of joint inflammation. Women are more likely to develop this condition than men.
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Understanding Nerve Damage – Symptoms, Causes, and More

Understanding Nerve Damage – Symptoms, Causes, and More

The nervous system is responsible for the optimal functioning of all body parts. Nerves carry messages from the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body, performing functions like controlling movements and sensing heat and cold. An injury or pain in the nerves can affect the brain’s ability to communicate with muscles and organs.
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Natural Remedies That Boost Sleep Quality

Natural Remedies That Boost Sleep Quality

Sleep is a very important aspect of a healthy lifestyle. Going without sleep can make it difficult to concentrate, affect your mood, lead to headaches and other physical ailments, and harm the body’s overall health. If you are having trouble falling asleep at night or staying asleep, you can try sleep treatments prescribed by your healthcare professional.
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8 Ways to Lower Cholesterol Levels Naturally

8 Ways to Lower Cholesterol Levels Naturally

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance mainly produced by the liver. It often gets a bad rap, but we need cholesterol to function. There are two types of cholesterol: LDL (or bad cholesterol) and HDL (good cholesterol). The former causes plaque in the arteries, increasing heart disease risk, while the latter helps remove bad cholesterol from the bloodstream.
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Ways to Manage and Identify Narcolepsy

Ways to Manage and Identify Narcolepsy

When people suffer from sudden sleep attacks or drowsiness during the day, the cause can be a chronic sleep disorder called narcolepsy. The condition affects one in every 2000 people in the country, with an estimated 3 million cases worldwide. Narcolepsy is easily diagnosed because it exhibits signs similar to other common health conditions.
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5 Home Remedies for Treating Nail Fungus

5 Home Remedies for Treating Nail Fungus

Fungus on toenails is a common condition that could happen to anyone. It starts with a mild rash on the feet or around the toe, which extends into the toenail bed. When the fungus begins, it starts showing yellowish white spots growing under the nail bed. The fungus can grow and spread to other toenails, making immediate treatment imperative.
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