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4 Frequently Asked Questions About Heart Ablation Procedure

4 Frequently Asked Questions About Heart Ablation Procedure

Irregular heart rhythms or arrhythmia is often caused by atrial fibrillation. A person may experience skipped heartbeats or fluttering in the heart. To correct the heartbeats, the heart ablation procedure is done. In this procedure, the part of the heart that is causing irregular heartbeat is subjected to radiofrequency energy.
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Commonly Asked Questions About Hepatitis C

Commonly Asked Questions About Hepatitis C

Hepatitis is a condition that affects the liver. It may occur as a result of an infection; however, there are some factors that can also cause hepatitis. Liquor, certain prescription medications, and even injury can cause hepatitis. Be that as it may, there are specific infections that can cause hepatitis to remain for quite a while, known as constant hepatitis.
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