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Pain In The Knees When To Visit An Orthopedic

Pain In The Knees When To Visit An Orthopedic

Pain in the knees – When to visit an orthopedic It is fairly normal to feel pain from time to time. It can happen when you injure yourself and is a way of your body telling you that something is not right. As it starts to heal, the pain slowly fades.
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What You Need To Know About Gum Disease

What You Need To Know About Gum Disease

What you need to know about gum disease There is no dearth of people suffering from one or the other form of gum disease. Gum disease, also known as periodontitis or periodontal disease, begins with bacterial growth in the mouth, typically, caused by poor brushing and flossing habits. If left unattended for long, gum disease affects the tissue surrounding the teeth causing bleeding gums, teeth loss, and pain while chewing.
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All You Need To Know About Normal Heart Rate

All You Need To Know About Normal Heart Rate

All you need to know about normal heart rate The heart is one of the most important organs in the human body. Any discrepancy in its functioning can cause serious consequences, sometimes even resulting in death. Monitoring the functioning of the heart is advisable in order to catch early symptoms of an impending disease.
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Know Your Heart Rate – When Should You Worry

Know Your Heart Rate – When Should You Worry

Know Your Heart Rate – When Should You Worry? Maintaining your heart rate is like maintaining your car – you don’t want to speed all the way up or speed all the way down. The best tempo is a steady one indicating normalcy. But with the pressures of everyday life, we often forget that the body is a machine too is prone to needing repair.
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Common Causes Of Sores In The Mouth

Common Causes Of Sores In The Mouth

Common causes of sores in the mouth Mouth sores are red coloured, tiny, shallow lesions that usually develop above the soft tissue in your mouth and near the base of your gums. Although one confuses the two, cold sores are different from mouth sores. The former develop on the lips and they are contagious as well.
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Dental Plaque And Tartar Removal

Dental Plaque And Tartar Removal

Dental plaque and tartar removal Plaque is a filmy substance made of bacteria that covers the teeth over time, making them appear dull or yellowish. When visiting a dentist, the teeth are cleaned, removing plaque and making them look sparkly and white. Accumulation of plaque mostly occurs on the teeth above as well as below the gum line.
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Removing Dental Plaque At Home

Removing Dental Plaque At Home

Removing dental plaque at home Did you notice that after a dental cleanup, the teeth start to sparkle and shine? But this sparkle and shine vanish over time, and the teeth start getting a yellowish color. This yellow color is due to plaque build up on the teeth. Plaque is a filmy substance made by the bacteria in the mouth.
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An Overview Of Diverticulitis And The Diverticulitis Diet

An Overview Of Diverticulitis And The Diverticulitis Diet

An overview of diverticulitis and the diverticulitis diet Diverticulitis is a medical condition that causes inflamed pouches in the lining of the digestive system, more commonly, in the intestines. The pouches occur when sections in the intestine bulge out, caused by weak spots within the intestinal wall giving way under pressure.
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