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Dental Care Tips Older People Should Follow

Dental Care Tips Older People Should Follow

With better dental care and advanced procedures, people retain their teeth through senior years. Another critical reason is the association of gum diseases with serious conditions like stroke and heart trouble. Here are a few age-related issues that one needs to be aware of and tips to ensure good oral health for seniors over 60.
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Health Benefits of Flaxseed Oil

Health Benefits of Flaxseed Oil

Flaxseed oil, also known as linseed oil, is a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids in the form of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a polyunsaturated fatty acid. It is a vegetarian source and hence is great for vegetarians and vegans as well. It is known to improve heart and brain health, has anti-inflammatory properties, boosts skin and hair health, and improves moods.
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1 in 8 US Women are at Risk…

1 in 8 US Women are at Risk…

When we come across the term Cancer, we think about it as the most dangerous and difficult to cure disease. While we talk about breast cancer, it is a kind of cancer developed in the breast cells. About 1 in 8 U.S. women (just under 12%) will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime.
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Introduction to Fibromyalgia

Introduction to Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia (FM) formerly known as Fibrositis, is a chronic disorder characterized by widespread pain that is accompanied by other symptoms such as fatigue, sleep disturbances, headaches, and cognitive dysfunction. FM is caused by a dysfunction in the central nervous systems detection of and response to pain. As a result, the patient experiences an amplification of pain. Sleep disturbance in FM is a consequence of HPA axis dysfunction.
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5 Popular Fibromyalgia Alternative Treatment Options that Actually Work

5 Popular Fibromyalgia Alternative Treatment Options that Actually Work

Fibromyalgia is a musculoskeletal pain that is characterized by fatigue, sleep, mood alterations, and memory issues. The condition is quite painful and is often accompanied by cognitive difficulties like lack of focus, decreased attention, struggle concentrating, and more. While several medical treatments can help manage the condition, often many complementary therapies prove more helpful.
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Four tips for effectively managing fibromyalgia

Four tips for effectively managing fibromyalgia

The second most prevalent disorder that affects the muscles and bones, fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that primarily causes radiating pain and fatigue. Its symptoms can’t be diagnosed via tests, so the disorder is often misunderstood for others. Previously, many individuals questioned the validity of fibromyalgia as it can’t be quantified through standard tests.
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7 Tips for Traveling with Food Allergies

7 Tips for Traveling with Food Allergies

When you have food allergies, you won’t be able to experiment much with your daily meals, when you travel to new countries. Since staying healthy is extremely important during travel, follow the mentioned tips and be safe. Before traveling, discuss your plans with your family physician. If you need any travel health vaccinations, your doctor will intimate you about the same.
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The Anti-Office Workout

The Anti-Office Workout

SITTING for eight hours a day is tough on the body. Exercises will help. If you’re regularly stuck in front of a computer or behind the wheel of a car for long periods of time, you desperately need this workout. 1. Deep squats At university I was taught to only get people to squat down until their thighs reached horizontal.
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