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3 effective treatment options for rotavirus

3 effective treatment options for rotavirus

Rotavirus is a specific type of virus that causes a wide range of gastrointestinal disorders in children and adolescents. This may often lead to symptoms like watery diarrhea, vomiting, fever, and abdominal pain. This virus is transmitted via contact with infected surfaces, and it is most commonly passed through fecal-oral contact.
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3 types of neurofibromatosis

3 types of neurofibromatosis

Neurofibromatosis (NF) is a condition in which an individual develops tumors in the three most vital parts of their nervous system: the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. The disorder passes from one generation to the next in families through genetic mutations. Thankfully, neurofibromatosis tumors are not always cancerous. Based on the symptoms, the disease can be categorized into three distinct types as follows.
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Rotavirus – Symptoms, causes, and preventive options

Rotavirus – Symptoms, causes, and preventive options

Rotavirus is a contagious virus that causes inflammation in the intestines and stomach. It is one of the most common causes of diarrhea in children. Although there is no cure for this condition, there are medications that help manage the symptoms. Understanding the symptoms of rotavirus can help one treat the condition immediately.  In this article, we will be discussing the symptoms, causes, and prevention methods of rotavirus.
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3 ways to manage narcolepsy

3 ways to manage narcolepsy

Narcolepsy is a health condition in which the person falls asleep unexpectedly at any time during the day, even while driving or working. Another condition that commonly co-occurs with narcolepsy is cataplexy. This causes involuntary muscle paralysis, which is usually triggered by strong emotions. To give an example, someone may be laughing hysterically and suddenly be unable to move some body parts.
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3 medical treatments recommended for sleep apnea

3 medical treatments recommended for sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that may lead to serious health problems. The condition induces high blood pressure. In other cases, it may cause one to stop breathing while sleeping. So, to avoid any health disorders caused by sleep apnea, it is essential to seek treatment at the earliest.
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Narcolepsy – Types, causes, and diagnosis

Narcolepsy – Types, causes, and diagnosis

Narcolepsy, a type of sleep disorder, is characterized by severe and persistent daytime sleepiness, which may cause disruption in one’s daily routine. Although rare, the condition affects close to 70 people per 100,000 in the country. This article attempts to shed light on the types, causes, and diagnosis of narcolepsy.
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5 signs that indicate sleep apnea

5 signs that indicate sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a condition wherein a person’s breathing repeatedly stops and starts when they are asleep. Although it is a common sleep disorder, sleep apnea could result from a more serious underlying condition, like high blood pressure or other cardiovascular diseases. So, it is important to be aware of the following symptoms of sleep apnea and ensure timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment to prevent serious health complications.
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6 primary symptoms of narcolepsy

6 primary symptoms of narcolepsy

Narcolepsy is a chronic sleep disorder where the patient experiences daytime drowsiness and sudden sleep attacks. This condition makes it difficult for narcolepsy patients to be awake for long periods of time, making them feel drowsy and low in energy. This article shares the signs and symptoms of narcolepsy that one must watch out for.
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