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Foods to Avoid in Multiple Sclerosis Diet Plans

Foods to Avoid in Multiple Sclerosis Diet Plans

Multiple sclerosis is a disease with a potentially disabling effect that attacks the central nervous system. In this condition, the nerve fibers are affected due to damage to the myelin coating. The myelin acts as a protective and active sheath but is attacked by the immune system. When the nerve fibres are damaged, there is an interference in the transmission of signals between the brain, spinal cord and rest of the body parts.
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9 Effective Home Remedies to Get Relief from Gout

9 Effective Home Remedies to Get Relief from Gout

Are you experiencing pain in your big toe? The pain is accompanied by burning or swelling! Well, this can be a symptom of gout. An arthritis pain caused due to faulty metabolism process, gout mostly affects the big toe of patients. Apart from causing pain and stiffness, it may also lead to swelling of the affected area.
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6 Essential Home Remedies for Natural Tinnitus Treatment

6 Essential Home Remedies for Natural Tinnitus Treatment

Living with tinnitus is a huge challenge, but then, it is not something impossible. People with tinnitus learn to live with it; if you have been diagnosed with this problem,  perhaps some home remedies for tinnitus could be of help to you.  These are simple solutions that will help you to deal with tinnitus.
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Curb That Thigh Cellulite with These 6 Simple Exercises

Curb That Thigh Cellulite with These 6 Simple Exercises

If you think cellulite affects only obese people, you’ve got it all wrong. The lumpy, dimpled skin condition occurs in ninety percent of women, some time or the other in their lives. Researchers suggest that cellulite runs in the genes. However, genetics is only the tip of the iceberg of cellulite trouble; other factors like diet, exercise, blood circulation, and muscle tone also play an important role.
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Bring That Wisdom Tooth Pain Under Control With These Simple Home Remedies

Bring That Wisdom Tooth Pain Under Control With These Simple Home Remedies

Wisdom tooth pain can be agonizing. Very few people are lucky enough not to go through the excruciating pain that the third molars or wisdom teeth cause while trying to make their way through the gum. It is not just painful; it can also involve redness, swelling, and tenderness around the affected areas.
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Home Remedies for Enlarged Prostrate

Home Remedies for Enlarged Prostrate

An enlarged prostate is also known by the name of benign prostate hyperplasia and is a disorder which afflicts men who are more than 50 years of age. However, enlarged prostate should not be confused with prostate cancer. The prostate is usually a small muscular gland which surrounds the urethra and adds fluid to the semen.
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12 Best Probiotic Foods for Maintaining Good Health

12 Best Probiotic Foods for Maintaining Good Health

Have you been taking enough probiotics in your food? Probably, you are not. Essentially probiotics are the good bacteria which line the gut and play a vital role in the absorption of nutrients and support the immune system. Benefits of Probiotic foods Probiotic foods have many immediate health benefits, some of which include:
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Here Are Some Foods That Help Stop Diarrhea

Here Are Some Foods That Help Stop Diarrhea

Diarrhea is one disorder that is simply put, a nightmare. You never know that it is coming to attack you and you barely understand what caused it in the first place until you are rendered all weak and dehydrated by those loo trips.  Only if I could make as many vacations trips as I do to the loo on diarrhea!  Past the issues diarrhea causes, let’s take stock of it and see if the food we eat could somehow clear off the loose stools and get us going.  Back on, of course.
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