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Popular Treatment Options for Frozen Shoulder

Popular Treatment Options for Frozen Shoulder

The frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis refers to pain, stiffness and restricted range of movement in the shoulder. Overuse of the shoulder is a major contributor and an injury can also result in frozen shoulder. Diseases like stroke or diabetes also make you vulnerable to this condition. When you develop frozen shoulder, the tissues that surround the joint feel stiffened and the formation of the scar tissue also takes place.
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Immediate Constipation Management

Immediate Constipation Management

Constipation is a common clinical issue that severely hampers one’s quality of life and causes a significant mount psychological distress. Constipation management and relief must involve lifestyle changes as well as an increase in the consumption of fiber and fluids. Lemon Lemon juice has Vitamin C, which is known to clear out your bowels and helps in getting the digestive system move again.
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Controlling Migraine and Its Effect

Controlling Migraine and Its Effect

Experiencing severe pain in the head, which is primarily of a disabling nature, is known as a migraine. A migraine can often be accompanied by nausea, difficulty to perform due to sensitivity to light and sound, inability to bear the pain above the eye sockets, etc. A migraine may feel like a headache but the attack includes a variety of symptoms.
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6 Natural Ways for Instant Relief from Itchy Skin

6 Natural Ways for Instant Relief from Itchy Skin

If you’re someone who has the urge to scratch the skin regularly, then you have itchy skin. It is a common problem and it can be mild as well as severe. In some cases, they can be intensely aggravating and could affect your day to day activities. There are some who have trouble sleeping due to itchy skin.
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5 Useful Tips for Treating Acne

5 Useful Tips for Treating Acne

Dealing with acne can be incredibly frustrating as it can severely affect your facial skin’s health. However, acne is a widespread condition and almost everyone at least once in their life has dealt with it. There are many reasons as to why you could be getting acne on your skin.
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Home Remedies and Treatments for Restless Legs

Home Remedies and Treatments for Restless Legs

Do you often find yourself shaking your leg restlessly? Perhaps, while listening to a lecture, attending a meeting or during a family dinner? If it feels like a compulsive behavior, you may be suffering from restless leg syndrome (RLS). Here is an insight into the syndrome and effective remedies that would help you to stop restless legs.
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Simple Home Remedies for Pollen Allergy

Simple Home Remedies for Pollen Allergy

If the changing seasons make you sneeze your head off, instead of putting a spring in your step, you might have a pollen allergy. Pollen allergies or hay fever is an allergic reaction to the pollen released by plants. Pollen is a fine powder released by plants during their reproductive cycles.
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Know about the Best Vitamins for Healthy Eyes

Know about the Best Vitamins for Healthy Eyes

Everyone wants a crystal clear eyesight and healthy eyes. We completely depend on our vision for normal functioning, that the thought of diminishing vision is often terrifying. To make sure that you keep your eyes healthy, as you age. It’s important to know the best vitamins for the eyes. Vitamins are organic compounds that are required by the body in adequate amounts.
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