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Try These 5 Natural Solutions for a Quick External Hemorrhoids Cure

Try These 5 Natural Solutions for a Quick External Hemorrhoids Cure

Most commonly known as piles, hemorrhoids are swollen veins that occur on the anal opening or the canal. They can be painful and irritating most of the times. It is sometimes accompanied by symptoms that include bleeding during bowel movement. The first thing that people tend to do when they learn that they have piles is to take OTC medication.
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Top 10 Home Remedies to Treat Gum Disease

Top 10 Home Remedies to Treat Gum Disease

Gum disease or gingivitis is the result of poor oral hygiene. Plaque builds along and under the gum line leading to gingivitis. The symptoms manifest as—persistent bad breath, swelling in the gums accompanied by redness, bleeding in the gums, loose teeth, and receding gums. While poor oral hygiene can be identified as the sole factor causing gingivitis, other factors like hormonal changes, smoking, stress, a diet that is nutritionally deficient, certain medications, diabetes and other illnesses can be contributing factors.
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Understanding the Benefits of the Alkaline Diet

Understanding the Benefits of the Alkaline Diet

An alkaline diet is a diet that maintains a balanced pH level in the body by controlling the alkaline nature of the fluid. Many health conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, vitamin D deficiency, and low bone density to name a few can be prevented by following a regular alkaline food chart.
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Smart and Creative Weight Loss Tips You Must Know

Smart and Creative Weight Loss Tips You Must Know

Losing weight does not have to hard always. If it becomes a torture, you easily get bored, and the entire journey of weight loss becomes a daunting task. If you ask best weight losers, they would say that the key to weight loss is to follow the right procedure and stay motivated.
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Useful Remedies for Combating Migraines

Useful Remedies for Combating Migraines

A migraine is a headache that occurs due to physiological changes in the brain. It can be severe and is usually more intense than regular headaches. Most people who suffer from migraines complain of an intense pain on one side of the head. However, some people suffer from migraine pain on both sides of the head.
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Ways to Get Rid of Cold Sores

Ways to Get Rid of Cold Sores

Mark, blemishes, sores or rashes on the face can give you sleepless nights. It is not just the dampening of look that makes you worry, the pain associated with them is also quite bothering. While pimples and acne is the most dreaded thing in this regard, cold sores too can be quite painful.
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Toenail Fungus – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Toenail Fungus – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Toenail fungus is the bacterial or fungal infection of your toenail or a part of it. When your toes are exposed continuously to a moist or damp environment, it becomes a breeding ground for fungus and bacteria. If you leave this untreated, the infection could spread to your skin, so it is imperative that you get the toenail fungus treated on time.
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Sleep Well with These Natural Sleep Remedies

Sleep Well with These Natural Sleep Remedies

Quality, adequate sleep is mandatory for good health. Sleep is when your body repairs damaged cells and rest the brain so you can recover and recharge. Good sleep not only helps boost your immune system but is also very important for your mental health. Having said this, it’s important to remember that many people have trouble getting healthy uninterrupted sleep.
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