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Top 4 life insurance companies

Top 4 life insurance companies

Life insurance offers financial stability to your loved ones after you die. It is a contract between the insurance company and you, wherein you pay periodic premiums, and the insurer, in return, pays the coverage amount to your beneficiaries after your death. If you are in the process of getting one, you may be wondering which insurer is the best.
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Opting for a permanent or term insurance, make the right choice

Opting for a permanent or term insurance, make the right choice

Term life insurance is a great fit for people who support families, providing financial support when you aren’t around anymore to provide for them. At times though, you need to leave behind something more for your fully grown children/heirs. In such instances, the permanent life insurance is your best bet.
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3 commonly-asked questions about home warranty insurance plans

3 commonly-asked questions about home warranty insurance plans

Owning a home comes with several unexpected expenditures, which are not always covered by your homeowners’ insurance. In such cases, it proves handy to opt for a home warranty insurance plan, which is designed to cover what your homeowners’ insurance doesn’t. A home warranty insurance plan is considered to be the foil to your home insurance when the certain perils that wreaked havoc on your home—water damage, earthquake, floods, or mold—are not covered by your home warranty insurance.  Here are certain things you should know about home warranty insurance plans that will help you arrive at an informed decision.
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Tips to get the best home warranty insurance quotes online

Tips to get the best home warranty insurance quotes online

Before we begin, you must understand that home warranty insurance and homeowner’s insurance aren’t the same. A warranty is merely a service contract between you and the insurer to cover home repairs and replacements for basic appliances and systems. Home warranty companies only cover damages to your appliances and systems, but you will still be liable to damages that have been caused on account of misconduct.
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Reasons to get a home warranty insurance plan

Reasons to get a home warranty insurance plan

Buying a house in this day and age is quite expensive. To the point, it’ll leave you broke. But, that does not mean that maintaining it should burn another hole in your wallet.  So, the question that now begs an answer is – do you need home insurance or home warranty insurance?
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Top 3 home warranty insurance providers

Top 3 home warranty insurance providers

Homeowner’s coverage is a prudent solution to protect your home from unforeseen damages; however, it’s crucial to note that this doesn’t include the repair of home systems and appliances. This inconvenience might result in you spending hundreds of dollars even on a small repair. A viable solution to this quandary is a home warranty insurance as it covers repairs and replacements for home systems and a variety of home appliances.
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A guide to purchasing nursing liability insurance

A guide to purchasing nursing liability insurance

Nursing liability insurance protects a nursing practitioner from any legal charges against them. These actions could be taken by a patient or the state board of nursing. Regardless of their designation, everyone who is an RN, CNA, and LPN requires substantial insurance coverage. That said, one should consider a few things before getting their insurance.
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A quick guide to burial insurance

A quick guide to burial insurance

The death of a loved one is often hard to accept. And in such difficult times, one may overlook the financial strain funerals can put on their family. Burial insurance, also referred to as funeral insurance or final expense insurance, is a type of life insurance that covers the cost of final expenses.
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