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A guide to the workers compensation insurance

A guide to the workers compensation insurance

Unlike any other kind of small-scale business insurance, Workers’ compensation insurance is something that is regulated by the country. As a matter of fact, it is absolutely important for all the businesses in the 49 states to carry Workers’ Compensation Insurance with an exception to Texas. This has two implications to be noted:
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United Healthcare offers dental care worth smiling about

United Healthcare offers dental care worth smiling about

United Healthcare offers a complete suite of dental plans, each of which comes with a different level of choice, savings, and coverage. The true reason that sets United Healthcare apart is, however, their focus on the health and well being of their patients. United provides both medical and dental coverage by taking an integrated approach to health care.
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Top 10 mutual life insurance company

Top 10 mutual life insurance company

The mutual life insurance company in New York is a pioneer in popularizing the concept of insurance in the country. Mutual life insurance offers whole life insurances and has been doing so for many years now. In the early 1980s, however, they branched off to different areas and acquired newer companies. Mutual life insurance has merged with many companies in order to satisfy the needs of a large customer base.
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The importance of insurance covers for businesses

The importance of insurance covers for businesses

Every business has risks in its regular functions and the best way to protect the assets of a business is to ensure that every aspect is appropriately insured. The top five reasons why businesses require insurance are as follows: The law mandates that every business that has employees needs to have specific insurances such as unemployment and disability, worker’s compensations, etc., depending on the place of business and the associated risk profile of the business.
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How Medicare Advantage plans work

How Medicare Advantage plans work

Medicare Advantage plans, also known as “Medicare Part C” or “MA Plans” are a channel for individuals to obtain health insurance benefits provided by private insurance companies and approved by Medicare. These plans also cover everything provided by Medicare Part A and Part B along with other benefits such as coverage for prescription drugs, dental, and vision issues.
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What is California State Disability Insurance

What is California State Disability Insurance

California State Disability Insurance (SDI) is a disability program under the Employment Development Department’s wing, where a portion of the employee’s income is routed to a state fund that offers short-term-disability benefits. SDI defines disability as any form of mental illness or physical injury that hinders one from performing regular and customary work.
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Basic insurance covers every business should have

Basic insurance covers every business should have

Every business is exposed to risks in its line of work and having an insurance coverage is the only way businesses can be free of any untoward liability that can arise due to various external factors, both environmental and manmade. Being subject to a legal lawsuit on liability challenges can affect a business’s reputation as well as even cause a complete shutdown in some cases if they do not have the insurance to cover the litigation and other expenses.
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How to compare Medigap plans

How to compare Medigap plans

Medigap plans are health insurance plans that cover gaps in Medicare plans such as deductibles, co-payments, and health care when you travel abroad. There are 10 Medigap plans that are lettered from A to N, and each covers a different set of gaps. While some Medigap plans charge higher premiums offering more coverage, there are others that offer lower premiums if you agree to pay for some of the gaps out of your pocket.
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