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Bonds Vs. Bond Funds – Know The Difference

Bonds Vs. Bond Funds – Know The Difference

Bonds are considered safe investments. The difference between bonds and bond funds is the interest rates, price, and net asset value. Bonds are like debt obligations, and they are issued by corporations, private companies, or governments. When investors buy a bond, they lend money to the issuer for a specific time and at a certain rate of interest.
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Common Investing Terms You Need To Know

Common Investing Terms You Need To Know

Most of the times, you will notice brokers and investors using certain investing terms to communicate with each other. If you are a novice, you will have a hard time understanding these terms. But once you start the journey of investment, you will get acquainted with various terms and definitions that are frequently used in the investing world.
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Convertible Bonds – A Primer

Convertible Bonds – A Primer

In the world of stocks and real-estate investments, convertible bonds are less talked about. Common investors hardly know about convertible bonds, and very few investors of this class deal in bonds. By contrast, companies are always looking for ways to raise capital, and issuing convertible bonds is one such way.
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Financing Tips For Investing In A Property

Financing Tips For Investing In A Property

Property investing is one of the most important and crucial decisions of one’s life. Home financing rates have dipped, and there are many investment opportunities in property. Those considering buying their dream house must have many things in place, such as mortgage plans, property tax, dwindling interest rates, credit history, and other endless paperwork.
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Generating A Sizeable Stream Of Passive Income

Generating A Sizeable Stream Of Passive Income

Of the three types of income recognized by IRS (Internal Revenue Service), passive income is the income resulting from cash flows received on a regular basis. Passive income can be derived from renting property or dividends from any investment. Taxes are levied on passive income. Creating passive income is a no-brainer.
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Guide To Investing Directly With A Company

Guide To Investing Directly With A Company

Generally, an investor purchases equity stocks through an online brokerage firm or directly from a broker. However, some investors in order to save brokerage fees, purchase stocks directly from the company. Buying stocks directly from the company is called a direct investment plan. Investors have their own reason for investing directly in a company such as physical possession of the stocks, eliminating brokerage services or broker, low cost, and various other reasons.
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How To Choose Your 401(K) Investments

How To Choose Your 401(K) Investments

401 (k) is a retirement program initiated by the government but sponsored by one’s employer. It can be referred to as a voluntary contribution from an employee’s paycheck before the taxes are deducted. 401 (k) allows an employee to save for retirement and invest the money contributed by one’s employer.
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How To Grow Money With Just USD 1000

How To Grow Money With Just USD 1000

Is it possible to grow your money with just USD 1000? Yes, money can grow as fast as you can invest. However, mere investment is not enough. Investment has to be accompanied by planning and a bit of research. Since money does not come easily, it is necessary to make the money grow in the fastest and the best possible way.
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