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Things to know about anxiety and stress

Things to know about anxiety and stress

Anxiety & stress are similar in numerous ways, with one or two crucial differences. Both are emotional responses to pressures of everyday life or childhood traumas. Additionally, the symptoms in most cases are the same, be it physical or emotional. Both can influence, to a great extent, the quality of life experienced by an individual.
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9 remedies for Hypertension

9 remedies for Hypertension

High blood pressure is also known as hypertension. It is a long term medical condition where the blood pressure in the blood vessels remains raised. Hypertension by itself doesn’t usually cause symptoms. However, long-term hypertension contributes to a number of heart diseases. 90% of cases of high blood pressure are due to genetic reasons or an unhealthy lifestyle.
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Guide to Online Therapy for Mental Health

Guide to Online Therapy for Mental Health

Seeking help for mental health issues is crucial, as otherwise, it can affect various aspects of people’s lives. With increasing awareness of mental health, many people have been approaching professionals like psychiatrists and psychologists to address concerns about their mental health. The key to doing this and managing one’s  mental health condition is early diagnosis.
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Top 7 Tips for Finding the Right Therapist

Top 7 Tips for Finding the Right Therapist

Finding a good therapist can be challenging despite the growing importance and availability of mental health services. Mental health professionals or therapists can help individuals deal with trauma, boost skills and confidence, and improve other aspects of their mental health. Whether it’s finding a child, cognitive, or marriage therapist nearby, the process requires a significant amount of research, patience, and intuition.
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Finding help for childhood behavioral disorders

Finding help for childhood behavioral disorders

Misbehavior is different from behavioral disorders. Misbehavior can stem from occasional stressful family situations such as moving houses, divorce, parental conflicts etc. But childhood behavioral disorders are more serious, prolonged and disruptive in more ways than one. Signs of Childhood Behavioral Disorders Kids with behavioral disorders can display many signs that parents and teachers can easily recognize as troublesome.
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Hypertension and its related causes

Hypertension and its related causes

Most of the people in today’s time do face a severe high blood pressure issue, commonly known as hypertension. But before we get into the related causes of hypertension, let us look at what hypertension actually is. Any person with a blood pressure level higher than 140 over 90 mmHg is said to have hypertension.
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The practice of mental health consultation

The practice of mental health consultation

A general definition of mental health includes our psychological, emotional, and social wellbeing. Basically, anything that affects the way we think, the way we feel, and the way we act is all part of our overall mental health. Studies on mental health and condition of a person also help determine how people handle stress, make the choices we make, the way we can relate to others, and more.
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Types of bipolar disorder

Types of bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is a form of mental health imbalance that causes extreme mood swings in a person. The mood swings can be extremely high as in a feeling of euphoria or full of energy or extremely low as in a feeling of depression and helplessness.
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