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Here are the top 6 food allergies in cats and dogs

Here are the top 6 food allergies in cats and dogs

Here are the top 6 food allergies in cats and dogs Food allergies are exceedingly common among cats and dogs. However, more often than not, the symptoms of a food allergy can go unnoticed by the pet’s parents. If you notice your pet is scratching incessantly or is frequently suffering from problems related to the digestive system, there is a high likelihood that your feline or canine companion is experiencing food allergy.
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Natural remedies to get rid of flea infestation

Natural remedies to get rid of flea infestation

A flea infestation can be extremely frustrating. This is because fleas are difficult to get rid of. Besides, their bites can cause allergies and other health problems for humans as well as pets. So, it is extremely important to take proactive measures to manage the infestation. The popular method of using chemicals to get rid of fleas often has other harmful effects.
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Home remedies to keep dog tick and flea infestation at bay

Home remedies to keep dog tick and flea infestation at bay

One of the biggest concerns that trouble pet owners during summers are the flea and tick problem. While there are many over-the-counter and prescription products that help manage the infestation, it is always better to first explore homemade remedies made with ingredients found in the kitchen. Here are some common preventive measures that include homemade sprays, topical remedies, and even general hygiene that can help keep such infestations at bay.
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9 interesting facts to know about cats

9 interesting facts to know about cats

In ancient Egyptian culture, cats were highly revered. People discovered that felines were quite attentive when it came to learning orders and tricks. Today, many people prefer to have cats as pets for many reasons, such as they don’t require much space, among others. If you are planning to get one, then you may be keen on knowing some facts about them.
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8 birds that make for fabulous pets

8 birds that make for fabulous pets

Getting a bird as a pet can be a rewarding experience. Birds are an excellent company. But before you bring a new bird home, you need to be aware of a few key details. Every breed has distinct characteristics, demands, and behaviors. Therefore, you must choose the ideal pet bird for your family’s way of life.
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5 scrumptious weight-loss dog foods for your overweight canine

5 scrumptious weight-loss dog foods for your overweight canine

Almost everyone across the globe is struggling with weight issues; some wish to gain weight, while others are sweating it out to lose those extra pounds that have made themselves comfortable in their body. What comes as a surprise is that even man’s best friend isn’t a stranger to weight struggle.
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Exploring the Best Dog Food for Allergies

Exploring the Best Dog Food for Allergies

Buying food for your dog can be quite a difficult task if your pooch is allergic to certain ingredients. With the development of the dog food landscape in recent times, there is a wide variety of the best dog food for allergies as well. However, you must know your dog’s taste and health condition in order to purchase the best food for the allergies your dog is facing.
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4 healthy cat food brands to buy from

4 healthy cat food brands to buy from

Feeding a pet is not always an easy task. You have to find the right food that is good for their health and gives them the right nutrients. However, this can sometimes weigh heavy on your wallet. So, here are four cat food brands that do not let you compromise on your cat’s health:
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