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Medications for Prevention and Treatment of Migraines

Medications for Prevention and Treatment of Migraines

A migraine is a condition where the person suffers from severe headaches along with a lot of other symptoms. Usually, migraine headaches are accompanied by nausea and photosensitivity. Some people have a sensitivity to sound. What are some medications for migraines? There are two kinds of medications for migraines. Acute medications are designed to control and provide relief from an existing migraine, while the other type is prescribed to prevent the onset of a migraine.
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Hepatitis C – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Methods

Hepatitis C – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Methods

Hepatitis C is a viral liver disease which is also contagious. The disease spreads via blood contact and it is necessary to avoid any exposure to the hepatitis C virus. The infection can go on to be chronic and can be treated with medications. HCV can also cause liver cancer and in some worse conditions, it can also lead to death.
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Symptoms and Treatment for Common Partial Seizures

Symptoms and Treatment for Common Partial Seizures

What is a seizure and what are the types? A seizure occurs when the electrical signals sent through the neurons in the brain start behaving abnormally. There is a sudden surge in the electrical activity that takes place in the brain. This sudden spike is what causes a seizure. There are two categories of seizures, the partial seizures and the generalized seizures.
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10 Preventive Measures to Keep Diabetes under Control

10 Preventive Measures to Keep Diabetes under Control

Diabetes is a chronic disease that can cause several other complications if not treated on time. It can lead to kidney failure, blindness, and other such serious conditions. If diagnosed in the initial stages, diabetes can be fought with. You certainly cannot change certain factors like age and genes but you can definitely reduce the risk of diabetes.
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Causes and Treatments for Nerve Pain in the Feet

Causes and Treatments for Nerve Pain in the Feet

The tingling sensation that you are having on your feet could be an early indication of something serious in your body. Most people at some point in their life will experience this numbness on their feet which at times could become really painful. One reason that could seem quite trivial is sitting at the same posture for too long.
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Diagnosis and Treatments of Postherpetic Neuralgia

Diagnosis and Treatments of Postherpetic Neuralgia

Postherpetic neuralgia is a complication of shingles, caused by the chickenpox virus. It affects nerve fibers and skin, causing burning sensations that last long after the rash and blisters of shingles disappear. The danger of postherpetic neuralgia rises with age, primarily concerning people older than 60. There is no permanent cure, but treatment can help to ease the pain.
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Symptoms and Treatment Methods for MRSA

Symptoms and Treatment Methods for MRSA

MRSA is an infection caused by bacteria that are resistant to most common antibiotics. These skin infections can be painful and it can even lead to other complications if the bacteria enter the bloodstream. However, this condition can be treated, if identified quickly. Read on to find how to treat MRSA.
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Symptoms, Precautions and Treatment for Stage 3 Kidney Disease

Symptoms, Precautions and Treatment for Stage 3 Kidney Disease

The number of kidney patients has increased by the time because of various lifestyle issues. In chronic kidney diseases, the organ cannot function the way it is naturally supposed to. It is neither considered as kidney failure nor fully functional. A moderate problem occurs in the glomerular filtration rate known as GFR, which leads to the stage 3 kidney disease.
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