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Toenail Fungus – Signs, Causes, Home Remedies and Precautions

Toenail Fungus – Signs, Causes, Home Remedies and Precautions

Have you ever seen white or yellow spots appearing under your toenail? This common scenario, especially during a humid weather is called toenail fungus, or onychomycosis in medical terms. However, not serious problem, toenail fungus can often be quite uncomfortable. Therefore, it is essential to take proper measures to overcome this condition.
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Common Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms That You Should Know

Common Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms That You Should Know

An autoimmune disease, rheumatoid arthritis causes chronic inflammation of joints. It begins slowly with minor symptoms that keep recurring. It progresses over a period weeks or months. Rheumatoid arthritis signs are different for different people. People experiencing signs of rheumatoid arthritis might experience bouts of disease called as flare-ups and inactive periods which are referred to as remissions.
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Shoulder Pain – Causes and Prevention

Shoulder Pain – Causes and Prevention

There are many reasons for shoulder pain. It can range from mildly irritating to completely intolerable. It is important that you take shoulder pain seriously, else you can face adverse situations in the future. Shoulder pains are supposed to be normal if you’re at your desk all day long. However, that doesn’t mean that you should ignore it completely.
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5 Common Treatments Used for Postherpetic Neuralgia

5 Common Treatments Used for Postherpetic Neuralgia

What is postherpetic neuralgia? A form of nerve damage, postherpetic neuralgia is a complication that stems from the shingles outbreak. The activation of the herpes varicella-zoster virus causes shingles. This is the same virus that causes chickenpox. When a person recovers from chickenpox, the zoster virus remains in a dormant state inside the nervous system.
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Stage 3 Kidney Disease Symptoms to Look Out For

Stage 3 Kidney Disease Symptoms to Look Out For

All our organs have their own functions, which makes them vital if we are to live a healthy and active life. Yet, there are many conditions and situations where these organs may come down with some kind of infection leading  to a failure to carry o ut the functions in a usual manner .
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4 Types of Skin Rashes You Should Know Of

4 Types of Skin Rashes You Should Know Of

An irritation on the skin often leads to the origin of a rash. Rash occurs due to many reasons, and it is detected from a change in the skin color and texture. It is mostly caused because of skin inflammation. Heat, allergy from a particular element, and medicinal side-effects are some other causes behind many types of skin rashes.
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Fibromyalgia – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Fibromyalgia – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition where the person suffers from pain all over the body. Also known as fibrositis, it is a medical disorder that causes the whole body to ache and is characterized by musculoskeletal pain along with fatigue. There are certain tender points all over the body for people with fibromyalgia and such points hurt if you put pressure on them.
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Common Causes and Symptoms of Crohn’s Disease

Common Causes and Symptoms of Crohn’s Disease

Crohn’s disease is a chronic condition of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) that is characterized by inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and the digestive tract. The disease can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract, from mouth to anus, however, is generally found to affect the last segment of the small intestine where it meets the beginning of the large intestine (colon).
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