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Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Primary Pulmonary Hypertension

Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Primary Pulmonary Hypertension

PAH or pulmonary arterial hypertension is also known as primary pulmonary hypertension. It is a very rare hypertension disease that affects your capillaries and arteries. The blood from the right ventricles of your heart flows into your lungs through these vessels. When the pressure in your arteries arises, your heart has to work much harder to pump the blood and as a result, it weakens the heart muscles.
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A Guide to Dust Mite Allergy and its Symptoms

A Guide to Dust Mite Allergy and its Symptoms

Dust mites are microscopic bugs that belong to the tick and spider family. These are usually found in warm and humid environments. Common places at home where these mites thrive are bedding, soft toys, upholstery, and carpeting. Exposure to these bugs can cause severe allergies that may lead to runny nose, sneezing fits, and even breathing difficulties.
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Symptoms of High Blood Pressure and How to Lower It Naturally

Symptoms of High Blood Pressure and How to Lower It Naturally

People suffering from the issue of high blood pressure are constantly looking for some easy home remedies on “how to lower blood pressure naturally?” Here, we have compiled some effective home remedies for lowering the blood pressure and keeping your body in the best possible shape. But first, let us understand some key facts about high blood pressure.
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Symptoms of Scoliosis and Ways to Treat It

Symptoms of Scoliosis and Ways to Treat It

Any kind of abnormal curvature of the spine is called as scoliosis. For any person, the spine has one curve at the top of the shoulder and one curve at the lower back. But if you see anyone having a curve from side to side, in the shape of C or S, then that condition is called as scoliosis.
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Symptoms and Treatment of Metastatic Lung Cancer

Symptoms and Treatment of Metastatic Lung Cancer

Cancer is a life-threatening condition that typically forms particularly in one area or region of the body and this region is known as the primary site. Cancer cells can travel to other parts of the body, breaking away from its primary site through the bloodstream or the lymph system and is called metastasis.
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Signs and Symptoms of Huntington’s Disease

Signs and Symptoms of Huntington’s Disease

Huntington’s disease is not just a physical disorder. One needs to understand the physical and mental stress it causes along with its symptoms. Huntington’s disease causes a progressive breakdown (degeneration) of the nerve cells in the brain. The symptoms of Huntington’s disease develop mostly in people between the age of 30 to 40 years, but it can strike anyone from children to seniors.
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Symptoms and Treatment Methods for Pneumonia

Symptoms and Treatment Methods for Pneumonia

Pneumonia is the infection caused in one or both the lungs. It can be caused due to viruses, fungus, or bacteria. The disease causes your lungs to be filled with fluid or pus, thus making it difficult to breathe. The symptoms that you might experience for pneumonia are coughing with mucus, sweating and chills, shortness of breath, and chest pain.
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Common Symptoms and Treatments of Overactive Bladder Disorder

Common Symptoms and Treatments of Overactive Bladder Disorder

One can experience a number of symptoms when having such a disease like an overactive bladder. The most common symptom of an overactive bladder includes sudden and uncontrollable pressure for urination. Leaks and frequent visit to the bathroom are the common behavior for a person having bladder disorder. Aged people are more vulnerable to this disease than youngsters and it can badly affect one’s personal and professional life.
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