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9 Symptoms of Lupus Women Should Know About

9 Symptoms of Lupus Women Should Know About

Lupus, like many other autoimmune diseases, affects women more than men. Young women between the age group of 15 to 34 have been found to be suffering from lupus. However, no known cause of Lupus has been found. A mixture of genetic and environmental reasons has been attributed to Lupus.
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Dry Eyes – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Dry Eyes – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Tears provide moistures and keep the eyes lubricated. Generally, tears contain water, oil, mucus and special proteins which protect from eye infections. In contrast dried eyes mean the eyes are deprived of the essential tears. Dry eyes don’t have adequate moisture. Those who suffer from dry eyes experience different symptoms such as itching, redness, and blurred vision.
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A Brief Overview of Dry Eye Syndrome

A Brief Overview of Dry Eye Syndrome

Dry eye syndrome is a disease that is commonly characterized by a condition in which eye fails to make enough tears or tears quick evaporate. Dry eyes become red and swollen, and this causes pain and irritation in the eye of a sufferer. Dry eye syndrome is also called keratoconjunctivitis sicca or dry eyes.
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Common Symptoms of Leg Pain You Should Not Ignore

Common Symptoms of Leg Pain You Should Not Ignore

The lower parts of our legs are the ones that keep us standing, walking and running as we go through everyday life. There are many factors that affect the health of our legs—the kind of surfaces we walk on, the kind of shoes we wear, our posture, occupation, overall weight, etc.
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Hidden Causes of Migraine You Should Know

Hidden Causes of Migraine You Should Know

Migraines in certain people can be triggered via certain foods and drinks, or rather the components of certain foods and drinks. One of the most common elements that are known to be one of the causes of migraines is tyramine, a substance found naturally in foods that are usually fermented or aged such as:
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Popular Vertigo Treatment Options You Should Know

Popular Vertigo Treatment Options You Should Know

In brief, vertigo means that you feel the outside environment is in a spin. “Almost as if you are dizzy,” that is how vertigo sufferers define the feeling. The disease is attributed to issues in the inner ear or even the brain. These could include infections, inflammations, tumors, sclerosis, or trauma.
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Severe Asthma Signs You Should Not Ignore

Severe Asthma Signs You Should Not Ignore

Many people in the world have asthma. However, now there are a number of treatments that help in efficient management of asthma as well. It is significant to follow all the Action Plan involved with asthma in coalition with a doctor. More importantly, you need to avoid the triggers for asthma as well as take medication on time but also following up on appointments regularly.
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Effective Home Remedies to Treat Cavities

Effective Home Remedies to Treat Cavities

Caries, the other word for cavities, can be defined as the small holes or openings in the teeth that are a result of decaying tooth. To be able to know as to how to treat cavities, first, it’s important to know the causes of cavities. Cavities are a result of plaque and bacteria that builds its home on the teeth’s surface.
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