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Benefits of Listerine for Toenail Fungus

Benefits of Listerine for Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus occurs mainly due to a living organism called dermatophyte which starts growing in your toenail. It lives and thrives in places that are damp and dark. Therefore, your toenail becomes a perfect place for the organism to grow. There are multiple, both cheap and expensive, treatment options available for toenail fungus.
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Tips to Get a Relief from Hemorrhoids

Tips to Get a Relief from Hemorrhoids

A hemorrhoid is a condition that is caused by the movement or swelling of tissues found in the rectum and anus. Although it can be uncomfortable and painful, the hemorrhoid is not dangerous. There are primarily three types of hemorrhoids: internal, external, and mixed hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids are found inside the rectum, and they do not cause pain because the area doesn’t have any sensory nerves.
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Best Treatments for Allergy Cough

Best Treatments for Allergy Cough

Coughing can be caused by cold or flu, but it can also be a symptom of an allergic reaction. To treat a cough that’s caused by allergies, you can try traditional remedies. In fact, these remedies can sometimes be effective in treating cough caused by flu and cold. Allergy Cough Treatment Whether caused by cold or allergies, a bad cough can be irritating and chronic coughing can cause pain and tiredness.
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Exercises and Medications To Ease Lower Back Pain

Exercises and Medications To Ease Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is a problem that almost everyone experiences at some point in their life. Characterized by severe pain, it may need treatment until it subsides on its own. The severity of lower back pain may vary from case to case. Some people may experience a dull ache, while some other may get a sharp, shooting pain.
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Different Allergy Medicines for Kids

Different Allergy Medicines for Kids

Kids are more prone to allergies and it has been observed that most of the kids are more prone to food allergies because their immune system is not fully developed to adopt any food. That is why most kids are allergic to foods like milk, eggs, peanuts, soy, wheat, walnuts, cashews, fish or more.
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Chronic Pain – Causes and Management Options

Chronic Pain – Causes and Management Options

Feeling pain is healthy as it is the body’s mechanism of signaling that something is not right. In fact, people who can’t feel pain like leprosy victims are often at risk of severe injuries like burns. Normal pain is supposed to be momentary even while it is acute. Even in the case of severe injuries, the pain will last until the wound is healed.
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Infallible Methods to Get Flawless and Glowing Skin

Infallible Methods to Get Flawless and Glowing Skin

Technology has made our lives super easy owing to the availability of innumerous gizmos that make us more productive at the same time. The same technology is also having adverse effects on our health. Busy schedules do not let people have enough time to focus on their well-being. The problem is more serious with people dealing with tight working schedules and aging issues.
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10 Natural Ways to Treat an Enlarged Prostate

10 Natural Ways to Treat an Enlarged Prostate

The prostate is a walnut-shaped gland, which is a part of the male reproductive system, which wraps around the urethra. The main function of this gland is to add fluid that carries the sperm to the semen. The prostate has two phases of growth. It is during the first phase, during the teenage years, when its size doubles.
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