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Bad Breath Causes Effects And Cures

Bad Breath Causes Effects And Cures

Halitosis is the medical term used for the condition we commonly know as bad breath. It is also termed as Fetor Oris, where fetor refers to an unpleasant odor emanating from an individual. The condition may cause embarrassment in social situations, lead to increased anxiety and become a thought-irritant, playing constantly on your mind.
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Know about Effective Ways to Treat Thinning Hair

Know about Effective Ways to Treat Thinning Hair

Hair thinning, hair loss, which is also known as alopecia is often a concern for men, women, and even children. Our hair is made up of a protein called Keratin that is produced in the outer layer of skin in the hair follicles. The follicles keep producing new hair cells and the old ones keep pushing out.
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Natural Treatments for Pneumonia for a Quick Relief

Natural Treatments for Pneumonia for a Quick Relief

Pneumonia is a medical condition that causes inflammation in the lungs, and the reason can be viral, bacterial or fungal. Our body does it’s best when it comes to stopping these microorganisms, but some are so powerful that they overpower your immune system and enter the body. This causes a deterioration in the overall health.
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High Protein Breakfast Ideas

High Protein Breakfast Ideas

Breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day. Doctors generally suggest eating a healthy and heavy breakfast gives a person the boost in energy to go about with the activities of the day in full swing. Beginning the day with a hearty meal keeps the body, mind, and soul happy and satisfied.
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Here Are The Best Multivitamins in 2018 to Keep You Fit

Here Are The Best Multivitamins in 2018 to Keep You Fit

Vitamins are necessary for the body’s optimum functioning. Traditionally, our intake of vitamins has been through the food we ingest or the atmosphere around us. Some studies are beginning to point at vitamins as preventive measures for a growing number of ailments. Vitamin D is known to help with cholesterol absorption and is a crucial aspect of heart health.
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Essential Home Remedies for Diarrhea

Essential Home Remedies for Diarrhea

Diarrhea is a type of infection that leads to irregular bowel passing, accompanied by abdominal pain, liquid stools, bloating and weakness. Diarrhea is related to the issues in the gastro-intestinal system that may occur due to a viral infection, unhealthy food consumption, consuming certain antibiotics, food allergies, or due to the intake of contaminated water.
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All You Need to Know about Breast Pain

All You Need to Know about Breast Pain

Left breast pain in women can often be a warning sign of a future heart attack or be an underlying symptom of other serious conditions. Women tend to take these signs lightly, and in extreme cases, the result is death. Left breast pain can be a major indicator of underlying health problems.
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10 Metabolism Boosting Foods You Should Introduce In Your Diet

10 Metabolism Boosting Foods You Should Introduce In Your Diet

Metabolism is a process that takes place inside the body of a living organism in order to maintain life. It can also be explained as the collective of all chemical reactions that includes digestion, transportation of substances throughout the organs and cells of a living organism, and assimilation. There are three main purposes of metabolism.
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