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Some tips on how to cure nail fungus

Some tips on how to cure nail fungus

Nail fungus begins as a white or yellow spot under the tip of your fingernail or toenail. As the infection spreads it goes deeper nail fungus is painful and change the color of your nail and cause it to thicken. If it is not treated in due time, it could spread to other nails.
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10 Best Ways to Lose Your Belly Fat

10 Best Ways to Lose Your Belly Fat

Belly fat is the excess fat around the abdomen and the stomach area. This can have a serious negative effect on the person’s health and may become an issue of serious risk leading to diabetes type-2 or heart disease. This belly fat is also known as the abdominal obesity or central obesity.
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Things to know before buying Forskolin online

Things to know before buying Forskolin online

To buy Forskolin online, one is supposed to know about the pros and cons of the product and commercial availability of the same. The usage and the dosage are to be known by the customers so that no confusion is faced by them while purchasing, transacting, and using as well.
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10 foods that cause acid reflux

10 foods that cause acid reflux

The stomach contains a strong acid—hydrochloric acid—that helps break down food and protect against pathogens such as bacteria. Acid reflux is a case when some of the acid content of your stomach is forced to come up along the alimentary canal. When this acid moves up, it causes a sensation of burn in and around your heart and also in the areas around your lower chest area, and for this reason, it is sometimes referred to as heartburn.
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Diet options for high blood pressure

Diet options for high blood pressure

Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) is an eating plan which is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grain, fish, poultry, nuts, legumes and low-fat dairy products. There is no denial to the fact that we are what we eat, and a lot of diseases can be healed with the inclusion of right eating habits and exercises in our daily schedule.
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Diet Options for Hypothyroidism

Diet Options for Hypothyroidism

If you have a normal functioning thyroid system, then you should consider yourself lucky as every day you can hear people blaming their weight gain and stress on their thyroid. Thyroid problems are becoming much more common these days, especially in women. If you are struggling with the problem, then you might be looking for the perfect hypothyroidism diet, which can help you reduce the risks associated with hypothyroidism.
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Find relief with these 5 home remedies for foot pain

Find relief with these 5 home remedies for foot pain

Your feet carry the entire weight of your body. The slightest of pain or discomfort in your foot can throw you off balance. We need our feet to be strong and support us throughout the day. It is not wise to ignore the pain or discomfort that you are experiencing in your foot.
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How to reduce the burning feet pain

How to reduce the burning feet pain

Neuropathy is one of the major causes of burning feet sensation. Diabetes is the most common cause for nerve damage in legs. The treatments for getting  burning feet pain relief are all about preventing the further nerve damage in legs and reducing pain. Unfortunately , the burning feet disease can affect people of any gender and age and can turn to chronic from acute.
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