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10 Preventive Measures to Keep Diabetes under Control

10 Preventive Measures to Keep Diabetes under Control

Diabetes is a chronic disease that can cause several other complications if not treated on time. It can lead to kidney failure, blindness, and other such serious conditions. If diagnosed in the initial stages, diabetes can be fought with. You certainly cannot change certain factors like age and genes but you can definitely reduce the risk of diabetes.
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7 Natural Ways to Manage Lower Back Pain

7 Natural Ways to Manage Lower Back Pain

Lower back can cause serious discomfort. You will have trouble performing your day to day activities. According to a report, almost 80% of the adults face lower back pain at some point in their life. There are several reasons as to why this happens. However, one must know the different ways to treat and get relief from this excruciating pain.
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All You Need to Know about Probiotics

All You Need to Know about Probiotics

Probiotics are the bacteria that naturally occur in the gastrointestinal tract. These are indeed an important part of the digestive system and are responsible for a lot of important tasks. These micro-biomes are extremely important for our life. Probiotics help in eradicating the bacteria that cause illness and infection. They also help in producing the enzymes that are required to break the food down and are known to produce nutrients as well.
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Diagnosis and Treatments of Postherpetic Neuralgia

Diagnosis and Treatments of Postherpetic Neuralgia

Postherpetic neuralgia is a complication of shingles, caused by the chickenpox virus. It affects nerve fibers and skin, causing burning sensations that last long after the rash and blisters of shingles disappear. The danger of postherpetic neuralgia rises with age, primarily concerning people older than 60. There is no permanent cure, but treatment can help to ease the pain.
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Everything You Need to Know about a Ministroke

Everything You Need to Know about a Ministroke

A stroke is a condition that occurs when a part of your brain gets limited or no blood supply. At such a time, your brain is deprived of oxygen and other vital nutrients it needs to function normally. In just a few minutes, the brain cells start to die. What is a ministroke?
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Everything You Should Know about a Blood Glucose Test

Everything You Should Know about a Blood Glucose Test

A blood glucose test is required to measure the amount of glucose (sugar) present in the blood. This is an important aspect of diabetes care since the disease essentially hampers the proper absorption of blood sugar by the body. Let’s look at some of the fundamental aspects of a blood sugar test:
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Understanding Blood Pressure Chart Readings

Understanding Blood Pressure Chart Readings

It is important to understand the blood pressure range and ideal blood pressure as per age to keep a track of your health. Your heart beats and pumps oxygen and blood to the organs. The pressure with which it pushes against the vessels is called blood pressure. High blood pressure can be an early sign of a major disease such as heart attack or stroke.
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Here’s What You Need to Know about Eczema

Here’s What You Need to Know about Eczema

No underlying disease triggers eczema. Eczema occurs when a patient’s immune system overreacts to some irritant. By taking some preventive measures, one can avoid or relieve the symptoms of this condition. Symptoms of eczema In most cases, eczema comes with itchy skin, irrespective of which body part is affected. One may also develop rashes on the face, behind the knees, hands, wrists or feet, and sometimes, this could be preceded by itching.
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