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Fibromyalgia – Symptoms, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Fibromyalgia – Symptoms, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, and Treatment

There are a variety of factors leading to the development of the symptoms of fibromyalgia, and it is important to determine the underlying symptoms. If anyone experiences symptoms of fibromyalgia, such as the ones listed below, a timely diagnosis has to be made before treatment can be initiated. Fibromyalgia symptoms checklist The following are some of the common symptoms of fibromyalgia:
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Foods That You Should Avoid When Suffering from Arthritis

Foods That You Should Avoid When Suffering from Arthritis

Arthritis, a disease that affects your bones and joints, is characterized by inflammation and pain that can worsen with age. It is a very common condition. Although the effects of this condition can be reduced, it can never get completely cured. Foods like fish, nuts, and vegetables help prevent arthritis.
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Lung Cancer – Prevention and Home Remedies

Lung Cancer – Prevention and Home Remedies

Lung cancer develops when there is an increase in cancerous cells in lung tissue. Research shows that the number of deaths caused by lung cancer increase every year. Once a person is diagnosed with lung cancer, they surely need medical assistance. It is, therefore, beneficial to follow a few home remedies to prevent the occurrence of lung cancer.
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6 Tips to Avoid Migraine Headaches

6 Tips to Avoid Migraine Headaches

Migraine is one of the most unpleasant neurological conditions and can even disrupt everyday activities. Anyone who has ever experienced it knows how difficult it can be to cope with the constant throbbing pain and nausea. If you are susceptible to these headaches, here are some tips to help deal with the pain and discomfort.
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Arthritis – What Foods You Should Eat

Arthritis – What Foods You Should Eat

Arthritis is an inflammation of one or many joints, which can cause pain and stiffness. There are multiple types of arthritis and each has its own symptoms. Characterized by swelling, fatigue, loss of appetite, and redness of the skin around the joints, arthritis can also cause a decreased range of motion.
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8 Foods that can Help Prevent Lung Cancer

8 Foods that can Help Prevent Lung Cancer

Cancer has become widespread in today’s world. Out of the many types of cancer, lung cancer is becoming common. Rapidly changing lifestyle and food habits contribute to the increase in cancer cases. Habits such as smoking and excessive drinking lead to the development of this disease. Once a person is affected by lung cancer, they need to analyze their lifestyle and make healthy changes.
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Avoid These Foods to Lower the Risk of Lung Cancer

Avoid These Foods to Lower the Risk of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is a common form of cancer all over the world. The death rate due to lung cancer is considerably high. Most forms of cancer are caused due to quick and changing lifestyles, bad dietary habits, and heredity. Once a person is affected by cancer, he or she has to undergo painful and uncomfortable treatment.
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5 foods that can help fight lymphoma

5 foods that can help fight lymphoma

A lymphoma is a type of cancer that begins in the immune system, specifically in the lymphocytes, which are the are the infection-fighting cells of the body. The lymphocytes of a patient with lymphoma, change and grow out of control. This results in rapid cell growth which leads to cancer.
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