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Causes and treatment for bladder control problems

Causes and treatment for bladder control problems

Urinary bladder control problems or urinary incontinence is a symptom of an underlying disease, physical problems or lifestyle factors. It refers to a loss of control of the bladder. As a result, urine leakage or accidental urination can occur. Causes Urinary incontinence can occur due to many reasons. Medical conditions:
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The link between diet and constipation

The link between diet and constipation

Diet is a major factor that keeps your gut healthy. What you eat can affect your bowel functions and impact your overall health. One of the most common problems related to poor diet is constipation. If you have chronic constipation, it can make everyday life quite uncomfortable. You can try any number of treatments for constipation relief.
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3 things you should know about pelvic floor muscles and constipation

3 things you should know about pelvic floor muscles and constipation

Pelvic floor muscles support abdominal organs including the rectum. Any problem with the pelvic muscles can interfere with the functions of the rectum and other organs such as the bladder and the vagina. In fact, pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD) is a leading cause of constipation. How PFD causes constipation? PFD includes all the problems related to the proper abdominal and pelvic muscle movement during an evacuation.
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How does diabetes cause constipation?

How does diabetes cause constipation?

Diabetes can be a possible cause of constipation. Many people with diabetes suffer from constipation as a result of their condition. Constipation occurs when there is difficulty in passing stools or having just one or two bowel movements in a week. The symptoms include straining to pass stools, having hard stools and a feeling of incomplete evacuation.
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Best foods to eat during diarrhea

Best foods to eat during diarrhea

Diarrhea refers to having watery stools several times a day. It can last a few days and cause severe dehydration and weakness. A good diarrhea diet is important to treat the condition. Here is a list of best foods to eat when you have diarrhea. Banana Bananas are one of the best foods to stop diarrhea.
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H. pylori Infection – Causes, risk factors, and complications

H. pylori Infection – Causes, risk factors, and complications

Helicobacter pylori or H. pylori is a spiral-shaped bacteria. These bacteria can enter the stomach and cause an infection known as an H. pylori infection. It is a common type of infection, but since H. pylori symptoms do not always manifest, you may have the infection and not know about it.
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H. pylori Infection – diagnosis and treatment

H. pylori Infection – diagnosis and treatment

The H. pylori bacteria causes H. pylori infection. The bacteria can enter the stomach and continue to grow inside. Common H. pylori symptoms include stomach pain, bloating, nausea, loss, excessive burping and weight loss. However, some people may not show any signs of the infection. The cause of an H.
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A few common causes and treatments of chronic diarrhea

A few common causes and treatments of chronic diarrhea

Diarrhea is stools with a water-like consistency. Diarrhea also increases the frequency of the bowel movements, but the main characteristic of the condition is the watery nature of stools. There are many different chronic diarrhea causes, and the symptoms can last for more than four weeks. Causes Chronic diarrhea can occur for several different reasons.
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