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Effective Treatment Methods for Relieving Severe Nasal Congestion

Effective Treatment Methods for Relieving Severe Nasal Congestion

  Colds, flu or allergies- either can be one of the reasons behind nasal congestion or sinusitis pressure. The triggers of a nasal congestion might differ from person to person. However, the symptoms are almost identical. So what are the best treatments and remedies for relieving severe nasal congestion? Keep reading to learn more.
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Causes, Symptoms and Treatments of Excessive Gas Problems

Causes, Symptoms and Treatments of Excessive Gas Problems

Each individual experience excessive gas and bloating in different ways. Sometimes you might have excessive belching or burping. For some, an excessive passing of gas or flatulence is more common. For a lot of other people, excessive gas and bloating are synonymous with a sensation of extreme fullness in the stomach and abdomen.
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Try These Abscess Tooth Home Remedies For Dental Relief

Try These Abscess Tooth Home Remedies For Dental Relief

Inside your tooth, right at the center, there is a soft tissue called the pulp. It helps in the formation of the calcified tissue called dentin. Dentin forms the body of your teeth, and is covered by white enamel on the top. An abscess is a condition where pus from an infection gets deposited in or around the root of the tooth.
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Effective Home Remedies for Ear Infections

Effective Home Remedies for Ear Infections

Ear infections are quite common these days and are generally caused by a virus or bacterial infections. Ear infections usually affect kids than adults. There are numerous reasons as well as contributing factors which lead to infections in the ear including building up of wax, infections in the respiratory tract, food allergies, nutritional deficiencies and internal injuries in the ear.
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Effective Remedies to Get Instant Relief from Nasal Congestion

Effective Remedies to Get Instant Relief from Nasal Congestion

The monsoon is lurking around the corner, but many of you might be already looking for some effective congestion remedies just about now. Instead of filling yourself with pills for tackling the infuriating issue of nasal congestion, you can ditch the pills for having some of your very own congestion cures.
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8 Effective Home Remedies for Treating Poison Ivy

8 Effective Home Remedies for Treating Poison Ivy

Though nature nurtures us, there are a lot of elements in nature that can pose problems for us. Some plants have a great medicinal value, whereas there are plants that can cause harm if one comes in contact with it. One such plant is the poison ivy. Poison ivy is the proof that everything that is present in nature isn’t meant to be used.
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Natural Cure and Remedies for Tinnitus

Natural Cure and Remedies for Tinnitus

Have you ever experienced any mild buzzing in your ears? This mild buzzing sensation is called tinnitus. There are different types of sounds that people experience. It includes low sounds or some buzzing sounds you tend to ‘hear’ while you walk. Tinnitus interferes with your daily activities and causes difficulty in sleeping.
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Simple Home Remedies for Instant Abdominal Bloating Relief

Simple Home Remedies for Instant Abdominal Bloating Relief

Abdominal bloating is caused due to a number of reasons. One can experience bloating in the abdomen due to gas, unhealthy eating habits, improper bowel movement, to name a few. When it comes to abdominal bloating relief, we might not consider it as a big health issue but it can lead to one.
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