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Lower Uric Acid with These Simple Steps

Lower Uric Acid with These Simple Steps

The food that we eat is broken down by body cells, that in turn produce uric acid. Uric acid is filtered out by kidneys and leaves our body in the form of urine. Small amount of uric acid is also present in our stool. If kidneys are not able to filter out uric acid from the body, its level increases in the blood, and as a result, solid crystals are formed within the joints.
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Home Remedies and Treatment for Hemorrhoids

Home Remedies and Treatment for Hemorrhoids

Anyone who has suffered from hemorrhoids knows that this condition is excruciating. It is no surprise then that a person who has experienced this condition once will always have a tube of hemorrhoid treatment creams at home. Hemorrhoids can be described as swollen veins inside the rectum, and this condition is also known as piles.
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Home Remedies for Treating Nerve Pain

Home Remedies for Treating Nerve Pain

With health hazards growing all around the globe, doctors now prefer to go for home remedies and treatment, for curing major health issues like skin disorders, neurotic pains, back pains and even nerve pains . The main cause of Nerve pain The neurotic pain, or most commonly known as the nerve pain is a result of damaged tissues, or high insulin content in the blood due to blood sugar.
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6 Ways to Reduce Weight Faster

6 Ways to Reduce Weight Faster

Believe it or not, according to reports, if your body mass index is on the healthy side, you will enjoy overall health well being as well. Excess body weight and body fat often lead to numerous health conditions, like heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, elevated blood cholesterol levels and different types of cancers.
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Some Natural and Unique Ways to Boost Your Libido

Some Natural and Unique Ways to Boost Your Libido

Physical intimacy has always been a top concern for couples as it not only give them a physical pleasure , but it also strengthens the bond between the two. Everyone after a certain age craves for that physical touch from their loved one , but this craving decrease with time, age, mental and physical conditions.
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Natural Remedies for External Hemorrhoids Cure

Natural Remedies for External Hemorrhoids Cure

External hemorrhoids often known as piles is a problem in the anus, where the veins, under the layer of the skin swell up or get inflamed. These swollen veins cause irritation during bowel movement and also make the person extremely uncomfortable due to the pain and itching, and in severe cases, it might bleed as well.
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Ensure Quick Recovery with the Right Foods to Stop Diarrhea

Ensure Quick Recovery with the Right Foods to Stop Diarrhea

You must have experienced bouts of diarrhea at some point or the other in your life . The most common symptoms of this disease include watery stools, bloating and abdominal cramping. T he causes of diarrhea commonly range from a wrong meal to stomach flu. Sometimes, the cause can be just an ingredient that didn’t agree with you.
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How to Effectively Treat Spasm

How to Effectively Treat Spasm

Spasms are discomfort in the muscle that gives rise to sudden pain. The pain can last for minutes, hours or days after the muscles relax and the spasm subsides. Spasms are a result of an injury to the muscles, tendons or ligaments. Causes Heavyweight lifting or indulging in sports like football and golf can cause spasms.
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