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5 Harmful Human Foods for Cats

5 Harmful Human Foods for Cats

Our pets are a part of our family. We ensure that they are at their best. We spoil them but also take care of their health and safety. When it comes to foods, we often let them help themselves from our plates. But this practice can cause more harm than good.
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Top 5 best dry pet food brands for dogs

Top 5 best dry pet food brands for dogs

As a pet parent, you always want to provide your dogs with the best. Dog foods that are made of high-quality ingredients ensure a rich, healthy, and complete diet for your pets. There are tons of brands out there that promise you a healthy packet of food, but only a handful of them deliver.
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Top 4 ingredients to look for in dog foods

Top 4 ingredients to look for in dog foods

Just like us humans, what our pets consume determines their overall well-being and longevity. As a pet parent, you must pay attention to what your dog is eating and learn what food works best. Eating foods packed with all the right ingredients will prevent disease, increase brain function, improve coat appearance, and help your furry friend sleep better.
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Healthy cat food options to combat gastrointestinal issues

Healthy cat food options to combat gastrointestinal issues

If you already own a cat or are thinking of bringing one home, it is essential to understand their nutrition and health needs. Most cats require a certain amount of meat products to be included in their regular meals to get the right amount of proteins. However, some cats are allergic to certain ingredients in cat foods.
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4 natural remedies for dog itching relief

4 natural remedies for dog itching relief

Skin infections and allergies are among the leading triggers of a persistent itch your pets have to deal with regularly. And there are several forms of topical solutions and medicines available in the market that can treat such discomforts. However, it is always a good idea to explore natural remedies that may be more beneficial.
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3 healthy cat treat brands to consider

3 healthy cat treat brands to consider

Everyone is inclined towards consciously eating healthy and ensuring so do their pets. Most pet parents like to keep tabs on what their pet eats throughout the day, ensuring they get the necessary nutrition via their meals. With cats, choosing the right treats can be a task, as they are sensitive and choosy.
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6 human foods not to share with cats

6 human foods not to share with cats

Pets, specifically cats, may be picky eaters, but they can gobble up your food when you are not looking. However, not all human foods are safe for your feline friend. If they eat something that is perfectly healthy for you but is harmful to them, their digestive system will malfunction.
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4 dog treats made from human foods

4 dog treats made from human foods

It’s well known that our furry best friends absolutely love their treats! But what are some human foods that make for yummy and healthy treats for them? We’ve got some food options that you can explore that are completely safe to give to your dog. These foods can be a delightful surprise for your pet apart from their regular treats.
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