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6 things to know about dog food allergies

6 things to know about dog food allergies

Is your pet pooch scratching and itching itself? Does it have a poor coat quality and does it suffer from frequent ear infections? What you’re feeding your beloved dog could be adding to its distress if you don’t know what he or she is allergic to. Today, food allergies are a rising common concern among dog owners, with more and more dogs seeming to suffer from them.
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Things every dog owner should know about dog food allergies

Things every dog owner should know about dog food allergies

You must have tried special shampoos, altered grooming routine and also tried medications; but your dog has not stopped itching, scratching or biting fur. But have you considered working on your pet’s diet? Similar to humans, dogs too have food allergies. Dogs can experience severe itching, irritation, swollen face, among others due to food allergies.
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How to keep pets safe from food allergies

How to keep pets safe from food allergies

Pets are sensitive to different allergies. Two types of allergies are common in pets – environment allergy and food allergy. Food allergies in pets are least common but it prevails in almost 10% of US households. The reasons for the allergies include- low immunity, bowel syndrome, genetic issues, allergen contents, among others.
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5 foods that cause food allergies in cats and dogs

5 foods that cause food allergies in cats and dogs

Dogs and cats can be easily allergic to a range of foods that go undiscovered until they show the symptoms. Sometimes, the causative agent for such allergies remain undetected and thereby the owner has to put the fur-babies on food allergy tests so that they are able to avoid such foods in the long run.
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5 best organic pet food options

5 best organic pet food options

When it comes to dog food, one size does not fit all as different canine breeds have varying needs. Also, due to growing concerns about the use of synthetic and artificial food additives in commercially available pet food, more people are switching to organic and all-natural variants among the hundreds of options available.
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Aspects to consider while selecting the best dog food

Aspects to consider while selecting the best dog food

Aspects to consider while selecting the best dog food Before grabbing any bag of kibble that you came across online, it’s important that understand your pet’s food requirements. Your dog’s health and development are directly proportional to the quality of nutrients in the food they intake. Dry or wet? High-fiber or protein-rich?
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Top dog allergies and their treatments

Top dog allergies and their treatments

Allergies can be concerning, and even possibly life threatening for your dog. It could even drastically lessen the quality of life of your dog. So, it is important for you to be aware of the possible allergies that your dog could suffer from. This article talks about the most common allergies that could affect your dog:
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Home-based remedies for fleas

Home-based remedies for fleas

Being a pet owner comes with a few responsibilities, especially if your dog or cat begins to have fleas. Flea infestation can be a constant worrisome issue to deal with. Fleas are parasites that suck on the blood of the host (dog or cat). As a result, the infestation can be a problem in one’s home, causing bite marks, which could eventually lead to sore wounds, allergies, and diseases.
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